When it comes to running any event successfully, advertising is going to either make or break you. Yes, promoting your event is the ticket that gets people in the door and quiz night is no exception. So, if you’re interested in hosting your first trivia night or if you’re already having quiz nights without a big showing of people, perhaps it’s time to invest some time into learning just how you can effectively promote your event.
As with any marketing campaign, it is essential that you know your target market. Who are you trying to reach? What is your age range? Are you going for the soccer moms or the young adults who like to come out to the pub and drink? You may have several audiences. It’s not like promoting a heavy metal band that will only appeal to a certain niche. Figure out your target market before you make any plans for promotion.
There may be plenty of people who have no idea they would even enjoy a quiz night. You need to get their attention, make them aware of the event, and let them know why they should attend. The things to point out are: It's fun, entertaining, challenging, it promotes team building, it's competitive and it's a great chance to socialize with like minded people. It's worth spending some money on an ad campaign that draw people to the event. Once they attend and have a great time, they will be wanting to come back for more.
Assuming you have a Facebook business page (and if you don’t, create one), you should advertise there regularly. Whether you have 5 followers or 2,000, spend time consistently getting the trivia night information out there. If you have pictures or a video clip of your last trivia night, share it several times per week on social media. You can even post some trivia questions to get people thinking that maybe they would enjoy themselves at the event.
Have an awesome poster made about your trivia night. You’ll need a poster that gets people's attention, and gives them all the information they'll need.
5. Talk it Up
Advertising takes words and oftentimes a lot of words. Be sure that you talk your trivia night up often and have your patrons do the same. If you own a bar and you’ve got a mic on the stage, be sure to spread the word about your trivia night every time someone is up there announcing a singer or performance. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to spread news, so be sure to tell your friends, family, and co-workers about the event.
6. Advertise in the Local Newspaper or Magazine
What are people reading in your local region? The newspaper? A popular local magazine? Put your trivia night ad in the most popular print and you’ll reach plenty of readers.
Running a great quiz night takes some time and energy, but it’s worth it in the long run. You get to host a pretty awesome night for folks and make some extra money too. Have fun with your quiz night adventure and keep these tips in mind to run a great quiz night. For more information on how to run a quiz night, or if you are ever in need of any trivia night packages, visit www.quizrunners.com
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